World Lobby@Bienvenido a Internet BBS

 □ Welcome to the international lobby. This board is for discussion and chatting in any language that isn't Spanish.
 □ The practice and discussion of foreign languages is also encouraged.
 □ This is a test board. Please direct any suggestions to the Meta board (English is fine).
 □ Country/Domain/IP range display enabled. For privacy reasons, any information that could help identify the poster is hidden.

 □ 世界ロビーへようこそ。この板はスペイン語以外の言語での雑談や情報交換の場所です。
 □ 海外言語の練習や相談もお勧めします。
 □ 今はテスト中。提案などは運営板へお願いします。
 □ 国籍・ドメイン・IP範囲表示。プライバシーのため、個人を指摘できるような情報は表示されません。

 □ Bienvenidos al salón internacional. Este tablón está dedicado a conversaciones y discusiones en idiomas que no sean el español.
 □ También se fomenta la práctica y discusión de idiomas extranjeros.
 □ Esta sección está en pruebas. Por favor dirija cualquier sugerencia a la sección Meta.
 □ Muestra de país/dominio/rango IP activado. Para cuidar tu privacidad, cualquier información que permita identificarte será ocultada.

[1:98]ITT we post "rabbit rabbit rabbit" the first day of each month

1 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CA] (159.89.*.*) : 01/04/21(thu)15:14:15 ID:U3YTk1Zm0

                              /:::::> ⌒
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             / /::::/:::::::::::::::/:::::::::::::::::::::::::}::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::}   \   |
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  __,,,,......./      ̄}:::/:/,_ ∨::::::::::::::/  __У::::::::::::/::::::i::::::::::\      ∧
(Post is too long... Click here to view.)

89 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [MX] (* : 01/12/23(fri)15:54:14 ID:M0ZjViMza


90 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (186.189.*.*) : 02/12/23(sat)15:51:26 ID:Q4MzQ2Mza

Last rabbit rabbit rabbit of 2023.

91 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [AR] (2800:810:543:*:*.*.*.*) : 02/12/23(sat)22:35:55 ID:dlZDQ0Zj0


92 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [MX] (192.141.*.*) : 01/01/24(mon)04:43:09 ID:QyYTk4ZWa

rabbit rabbit rabbit!

93 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [EC] (190.123.*.*) : 01/02/24(thu)03:59:12 ID:EyMWNiNza

rabbit rabbit rabbit!

94 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [MX] (* : 01/02/24(thu)19:40:03 ID:ZiNDkxOT0

rabbit rabbit rabbit!

95 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (* : 01/02/24(thu)20:55:53 ID:dlZTg1Mja

rabbit rabbit rabbit!

96 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [MX] (* : 01/03/24(fri)10:21:36 ID:E2NmE2M2a

rabbit rabbit rabbit!

97 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [MX] (2806:263:c482:*:*.*.*.*) : 01/04/24(mon)10:45:58 ID:BmNzE0YWa

rabbit rabbit rabbit!

98 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [MX] (2806:263:c482:*:*.*.*.*) : 01/05/24(wed)12:17:33 ID:YzZmVhZja

rabbit rabbit rabbit!
Name: E-mail:

[2:844]Post in this thread every time you visit BAI for the first time today

1 : : 28/07/20(tue)15:19:53 ID:YxNTA0NT0


835 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [MX] (2806:263:c482:*:*.*.*.*) : 19/03/24(tue)18:58:07 ID:ViZmQ1OD0

lots more stupid crap going on than usual

836 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [MX] (2806:263:c482:*:*.*.*.*) : 24/03/24(sun)12:46:15 ID:UyYTFmYza

fucking windows 98

837 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [NL] (* : 30/03/24(sat)20:58:57 ID:A5ZTM2Nza

First time in 6 months

838 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (2a09:bac3:1e7d:*:*.*.*.*) : 31/03/24(sun)04:06:24 ID:lhNzUyMji

age age again

839 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [MX] (* : 03/04/24(wed)01:37:41 ID:FhYzQ1OT0


840 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [US] (2607:fb91:9ab:*:*.*.*.*) : 04/04/24(thu)10:58:58 ID:M5YmRmMWa

Amy Elizabeth Thorpe has a majority share of this body. The names collide in Orion. Charles-Emmanuel did me in with the name change order. Thorpes ghost proceeded to take over much work. Thorpe polarizes against the other Elizabeth. My heart was designed to fail much like Goggins, such is the nature of enslaved genes. So many holes in the gravitational field. Thorpe has me running on automatic. She puts all of my social memory on diplomats because she can't do anything else. There is her disclosure. Some analysts run half dead, and the soul leaks out into the Inner Planes. Analysts were angels on Mars. I can barely support Elizabeth proper without the spy material that fed on her life. The spies sexually owned most of the soul.

P.S. I am aware these posts cause many to go schizophrenic. They will get hailed into a fresh soul. Schizophrenia is just seeking a soul for the vessel. You can help them get a good one.

841 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [MX] (2806:263:c482:*:*.*.*.*) : 04/04/24(thu)20:06:19 ID:VjYmVkMG0


842 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [MX] (2806:263:c482:*:*.*.*.*) : 15/04/24(mon)00:45:09 ID:EzOWUwYz0

pee a tsunami

843 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (45.232.*.*) : 16/04/24(tue)15:54:17 ID:gwNWU5Mma


844 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [MX] (2806:263:c482:*:*.*.*.*) : 19/04/24(fri)23:08:53 ID:BjMDk0Yma

It's getting way too hot outside already
Name: E-mail:

[3:3]Look this

1 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [AR] (2a09:bac1:6e0:*:*.*.*.*) : 14/03/24(thu)10:56:35 ID:EyZmZiYz0

2 : : 14/03/24(thu)14:10:42 ID:kwZjA4Nja

Missed it what was it

3 : : 20/03/24(wed)16:02:15 ID:NiYTM1Nz0

>Video not found
Name: E-mail:


1 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [US] (* : 06/02/24(tue)13:52:43 ID:k3OWU1MTa


2 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [MX] (2806:263:c482:*:*.*.*.*) : 06/02/24(tue)18:38:33 ID:dkNzYwMW0


3 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [MX] (2806:370:8272:*:*.*.*.*) : 06/02/24(tue)21:31:37 ID:Q4MDg3Yza

Hi gringou!
Name: E-mail:

[5:17]Portugués es un dialecto del español

1 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [v6] (2600:387:f:a1a:*.*.*.*) : 18/03/22(fri)16:19:42 ID:QyMzk3Mj0

Ya basta con el larpeo de que es un idioma aparte. ¿Cuándo admitiremos que Brasil es un país hispano?

8 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [ES] (* : 04/10/22(tue)11:19:34 ID:RmNzQ1Zj0


De la muerte a la vida está la bebida.

9 : : 04/10/22(tue)21:05:55 ID:Y3NGJiMW0

Who cares

10 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [BR] (189.127.*.*) : 15/07/23(sat)21:19:51 ID:VkOThmNj0

Y el holandés es un dialecto del alemán.

11 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (* : 15/07/23(sat)22:07:41 ID:hiYjdiZD0

filo da puta

12 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [IS] (* : 16/07/23(sun)11:59:50 ID:YzMzM1OD0

¿Cual la diferencia entre lengua y dialecto?

13 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (2803:c180:2600:*:*.*.*.*) : 22/07/23(sat)04:43:55 ID:QyMDg2ND0

El dialecto deviene de una lengua y genera una variante que no es lo suficientemente distinta como para ser otra lengua. Por lo general tiende a aparecer en localidades apartadas, en donde la norma lingüística no tiene la fuerza suficiente como para suprimir la belleza del lenguaje: su mutabilidad por uso.

14 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [BR] (* : 10/12/23(sun)04:23:01 ID:k1MmZjND0


15 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [MX] (* : 13/12/23(wed)03:29:39 ID:Q2NTBjZT0

eu falo

16 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [PE] (2800:4b0:5204:*:*.*.*.*) : 19/12/23(tue)15:38:57 ID:gyMTgyZDa

La distinción entre idioma y dialecyo es un constructo social, solo tiene sentido dentro de contexto político-cultural, mas no académico. Por ejemplo, China insiste que el cantonés es un dialecto chino a pesar de que los hablantes de ambos idiomas no se entienden y de hecho tiene que poner subtítulos a sus transmisiones de TV pública para que en el sur entiendan de qué hablan. Podrían hacer una versión "doblada" pero eso implicaría admitir que el cantonés y el mandarín son dos idiomas diferentes.
Otro ejemplo son las diferencias entre los idiomas bosnio, serbio y croata o la diferencia entre el Galiciano y Portugués.

17 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (* : 19/12/23(tue)22:07:57 ID:UzYzY5OD0

Aguante la patria grande
Name: E-mail:


1 : ゼリーさん [US] ◆p9m3de0ojQ (2601:603:1200:*:*.*.*.*) : 08/12/23(fri)19:17:41 ID:JjYTA0Y20

        /ヽ       /\
       /::::::::::ヽ     /::::::::ヽ
\_/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄  ノ     )::::ノ
/            _/|     ノ:/
|      ノ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ し/__/ ̄
\_∧_./ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\/| ̄ ̄|__  
             |  |_|   |
              |__|   |__|

(Post is too long... Click here to view.)

2 : ゼリーさん [US] ◆p9m3de0ojQ (2601:603:1200:*:*.*.*.*) : 08/12/23(fri)20:40:09 ID:JjYTA0Y20

\_/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄        )::::ノ
/            __     ノ:/
|      ノ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄   ヽ__/ ̄
Posted it since the sad mouth was missing

3 : : 30/12/23(sat)00:05:01 ID:MzZGMwMj0

/                    ヽ
|                     ノ
\_∧_./ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
Name: E-mail:


1 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [US] (* : 19/10/23(thu)16:09:22 ID:A0NDM2MG0

where the vipper party go

2 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [MX] (200.63.*.*) : 19/10/23(thu)16:47:23 ID:hlNmMwMTa

Staff deactivated the instance. Used up too much disk space.

3 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [DE] (2a02:8108:96c0:*:*.*.*.*) : 19/10/23(thu)20:52:37 ID:ZiYTdlY20

>where the vipper party go
the discord circlejerk, which never went away
Name: E-mail:


1 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [NO] (2a03:94e0:24d4:*:*.*.*.*) : 07/10/23(sat)12:29:55 ID:U0NTc0Yj0

2 : : 07/10/23(sat)13:38:49 ID:UxNjc4OG0

oh wow lain??????!!!!!!! chan-style posting!?!?!?!?! holy shit its always the same fucking thing. at least you dont have a name ending in -chan

3 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (* : 07/10/23(sat)13:49:08 ID:NkZTJlNz0

Looks pretty cool

4 : : 07/10/23(sat)14:22:53 ID:ZhMTM3YT0

¿Tenía sentido generar otro de estos sitios? No. Y sin embargo, aquí estaba. Uno más, ¿cuántos van? Y ¿para qué? Para toda esa banda inconsolable de perros sin cerebro. Sedientos de monas chinas, patéticos virtuales. ¿Cuándo será el día en que FURRO OBESO les transforme en redonditos de polenta y les engulla con su inmoderado apetito, cuan Nicokado Avocado a un plato de chatarra comestible?

5 : : 07/10/23(sat)18:59:17 ID:gxOGE3NWa

Name: E-mail:

[9:8]Happy Anniversary to all who observe

1 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [HK] (165.225.*.*) : 10/09/23(sun)19:03:49 ID:EzMGM0Nm0

                 /    /|
                | ̄ ̄ ̄ |::::|
                |l:l:l:l::l:l:l:l|::::|         __      __
                |l:l:l:l:l:l:l:|:|::::|       _/ |___,,,,,//
                |l:l:l:l:l:l:l:|:|::::|     ∠___二___,,ヽ._l ‐― ―― ― ―
                |l:l:l:l:l:l:l:|:|::::|        \ \  ̄
                |l:l:l:l:l:l:l:l:|::::|           ̄

(Post is too long... Click here to view.)

2 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (2800:150:14e:*:*.*.*.*) : 10/09/23(sun)22:54:15 ID:hmZTY4Zj0

United $naKKKe$ of AmeriKKKa deserved it.

3 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [NI] (* : 10/09/23(sun)23:17:13 ID:UwMzhlOD0


4 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [MX] (200.68.*.*) : 10/09/23(sun)23:27:14 ID:ViMzMwN2a

Por qué siempre eligen el 11 de Septiembre para hacer sus fechorías los gringos?

5 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [US] (165.225.*.*) : 11/09/23(mon)08:39:22 ID:YwYjRhYz0

Srpski Talibani - Gori Njujork - (Audio 2000) - CEO SNIMAK (12:31)
Nina Trejd

New York is on fire, Pentagon is burning
America, they've given it to you good.

New York is on fire, Pentagon is demolished
Krajishniks, we can go home now.

What is Zagreb government going to do now
As USA is falling to it's knees?

America, the Arabian, bin Laden
He is no Turk, he's a Serb Miladin.

(Post is too long... Click here to view.)

6 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [MX] (* : 11/09/23(mon)13:19:08 ID:E1NzUxYza

7 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [DE] (2a02:8108:96c0:*:*.*.*.*) : 11/09/23(mon)15:43:02 ID:FmYjhkYT0

>>4 entendí la referencia xd

8 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [AR] (2800:2505:2:*:*.*.*.*) : 12/09/23(tue)18:23:32 ID:hhMDI1MDa

>>5 sería basado si los serbios no hubieran bombardeado ciudades antes de ardirse porque los americanos les dieron un poco de su propia medicina
Name: E-mail:

[10:19]2 - 0

1 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [AR] (* : 18/12/22(sun)13:06:09 ID:Y2MzMyOD0

Hagan sus apuestas, baisanos

10 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [MX] (* : 18/12/22(sun)14:29:18 ID:ZlYmNiYT0


11 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [AR] (* : 18/12/22(sun)14:37:30 ID:Y2MzMyOD0

3 - 3
Vamos a penales

12 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [AR] (* : 18/12/22(sun)14:49:23 ID:Y2MzMyOD0

3 - 4

13 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [AR] (* : 18/12/22(sun)14:54:20 ID:Y2MzMyOD0

Ar 6 - 5 Fr

14 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [AR] (* : 18/12/22(sun)14:55:29 ID:Y2MzMyOD0

Ar 7 - 5 Fr
Argentina es campeón mundial. Mañana es feriado

15 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (* : 18/12/22(sun)16:35:26 ID:FlM2U1ZW0

pedazo de final, menos mal la ví

16 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [v6] (* : 18/12/22(sun)22:40:15 ID:hlYjZjOT0


17 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [??] (* : 18/12/22(sun)23:16:10 ID:QyMTBiOG0

En este día todo BaI es argentino.

18 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [v6] (2800:150:*:*:*.*.*.*) : 18/12/22(sun)23:33:09 ID:I1MzUxNG0

Probably the craziest world cup final I've ever seen.

19 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [SG] (* : 01/09/23(fri)13:36:41 ID:Y0OTg3Mz0

FIFA women's world cup score : 1 - 0
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New thread form
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