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[Política] Educar a la gente no sirve para generar cambios radicales (24 respuestas)

17 : Crítico despiadado de todo lo existente : 06/03/21(sab)05:11:13 ID:J5sCZQ7E0

Sobre la relación praxis-teoría, pienso que ambos están en lo correcto. Nada impide que la práxis pueda ser entendida como un acto que se ve influenciado o hasta condicionado por un análisis de la teoría, e inversamente, la teoría frecuentemente surge a partir de la observación de la práxis. Sin embargo, cada vez más se observa una construcción simultánea de práxis y teoría. Y ese precisamente es el mayor valor que puede alcanzar la figura del intelectual.

>The intellectual spoke the truth to those who had yet to see it, in the name of those who were forbidden to speak the truth: he was conscience, consciousness, and eloquence. In the most recent upheaval the intellectual discovered that the masses no longer need him to gain knowledge: they know perfectly well, without illusion; they know far better than he and they are certainly capable of expressing themselves. The intellectual's role is no longer to place himself "somewhat ahead and to the side" in order to express the stifled truth of the collectivity; rather, it is to struggle against the forms of power that transform him into its object and instrument in the sphere of "knowledge", "truth", "consciousness", and "discourse".
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